How to Find the Right Streaming Service
By Roderic March, 2/17/22Which streaming service is right for me?
There are so many streaming services it's hard to decide which one is right for you. But now you can use Nanocrowd to build your favorite genres and then see which service has the most titles – and even more important – which one has lots of the movies and series you enjoy.
Let’s say Romantic-Comedy is your favorite genre. Nanocrowd shows you the movies and series available at each streaming service. Take a look below, and you see Netflix has the most titles, followed by Prime and then HBO Max. So, if you already subscribe to Netflix, you have the best streaming service for your favorite genre.

Pick a streaming service that matches your taste

Don’t overlook free services – they often have the best collections!

Build your own genres and pick a streaming service that gets you
It's fast and easy to build your own genres that have movies and series perfect for you. Just pick 1-3 words that describe what you’re in the mood to watch right now.
Then Nanocrowd shows you where it’s streaming, which service has the most titles, and which one has the best titles in your genre. Maybe you'll find a service that totally gets you and is your new go-to for your favorite genre.
Give it a try and find great things to watch with your friends and family. There's lots more to discover in the app, so follow us on social to get tips.